Backgammon – Drei Basic Schemes
Nov 22nd, 2009 by Princess
[ English ]

In erstaunlich Generell gibt es drei grundlegende Spiel Plänen beschäftigt. Sie müssen agil genug zu hüpfen zwischen Techniken fast sofort, wie der Verlauf des Spiels entfaltet.

Die Blockade

Dies ist der Bau einer 6-tiefe Wand der Stücke, oder zumindest so tief wie möglich zu verwalten, in Stücken des Gegners, die auf dem 1-Punkt sind Barrikade aus. Dies ist beurteilt werden, die am besten geeignete Strategie zu Beginn des Spiels. Sie können an jedem Ort der Wand zwischen Ihrem Elf-Punkte und Ihre Zwei-Punkt und erstellen Sie dann verschieben sie in Ihr Zuhause Bord wie das Spiel weiterkommt.

Der Blitz

Dazu gehört das Sperren Ihres Home Board so schnell wie du kannst und dabei Ihre Herausforderer auf den Balken. Das bedeutet, wenn Ihr Konkurrent wirft eine frühe 2 und bewegt sich ein Stück aus dem Ein-Punkt-zu deinen drei-Punkt-und rollen Sie dann ein zwischen fünf und fünf, können Sie 6 / 1 sechs Spielen / eins-acht-drei 8 / 3. Ihr Herausforderer ist jetzt in big-time Unglück aufgrund der Tatsache, dass sie 2 Stück auf der Bar, und Sie haben die Hälfte gesperrt Ihre innere Bord!

Die Backgame

Diese Strategie ist, wo man 2 oder mehr Stücke in das gegnerische Bord zu haben. (Ein Anker ist eine um mindestens 2 Ihrer Figuren besetzt.) Es muss verwendet werden, wenn Sie sehr, wie es hinter deutlich verbessert Ihre Chancen. Je besser die Bereiche für die Dübel sind in der Nähe kleinere Punkte des Gegners und entweder auf den benachbarten Punkten oder mit einem einzigen Punkt dazwischen. Das Timing ist für eine wirksame backgame integraler: außer, es gibt keinen Grund, mit 2 schönen Anker Flecken und eine feste Wand in Ihrer eigenen inneren Brett, wenn Sie sind dann verpflichtet, brechen diese sofort, während dein Gegner ihre Kontrolleure Haus ist bewegend, zu sehen, dass Sie haben noch andere zusätzliche Stück zu bewegen! In dieser Situation ist es erträglicher zu Steinen auf der Bar zu haben, damit Ihnen auch Ihre Position zu bewahren, bis sich Ihre Widersacher gibt Ihnen die Möglichkeit zu treffen, damit es eine gute Idee zu versuchen und Ihre Wettbewerber, um sie in dieser Situation getroffen werden können !

Backgammon – Trois régimes de base
Nov 22nd, 2009 by Princess
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

En termes généraux, étonnamment, il existe trois plans de jeu de base employé. Vous devez être assez agile pour hop entre les techniques presque instantanément que le cours du match se déroule.

Le Blocus

Il est composé de construire un mur de 6 profonde de pièces, ou au moins aussi profond que vous pouvez gérer, de se barricader dans des pièces de l'adversaire qui se trouvent sur votre place pour 1 point. Ceci est considérée comme la stratégie la plus appropriée au début du match. Vous pouvez construire le mur n'importe où entre vos onze points et vos deux-point et passer ensuite dans votre conseil à la maison que le match progresse.

The Blitz

Cela implique le verrouillage de votre conseil à la maison le plus vite que vous le pouvez tout en gardant votre adversaire sur la barre. autrement dit, si votre concurrent lance un des premiers 2 et se déplace d'une pièce à partir de votre one-point à vos trois-point et vous roulez alors une période de cinq-cinq ans, vous êtes en mesure de jouer 6 / 1 six / un-huit / trois 8 / 3. Votre adversaire est maintenant dans la calamité big-temps en raison du fait qu'ils ont 2 pièces sur le bar et vous avez verrouillé la moitié de votre conseil d'administration intérieure!

Le Backgame

Cette stratégie est l'endroit où vous avez 2 ou plus de pièces en conseil à la maison de votre adversaire. (Une ancre est un poste occupé par au moins 2 de vos pièces.) Il doit être utilisé lorsque vous êtes extrêmement derrière car il améliore grandement vos chances. Les zones de meilleure qualité pour les ancres sont près des points plus petits de votre adversaire, soit sur des points adjacents ou avec un seul point entre les deux. Le timing est intégrale pour un backgame efficace: en plus, il n'y a aucune raison d'avoir 2 points d'ancrage agréable et un solide mur de votre conseil interne propre si vous êtes alors tenu de briser ce droit de suite, alors que votre adversaire se déplace ses pions à domicile, voyant que vous n'avez pas d'autres pièces supplémentaires à bouger! Dans cette situation, il est plus tolérable d'avoir une dame sur la barre de sorte que vous pouvez conserver votre position vers le haut jusqu'à ce que votre opposant vous donne une chance de toucher, de sorte qu'il mai être une bonne idée d'essayer et d'obtenir votre concurrent à les frapper dans cette situation !

Backgammon – Tres esquemas básicos
Nov 22nd, 2009 by Princess
[ English ]

En términos generales, sorprendentemente, hay tres planes de juego básico empleado. Usted necesita ser lo suficientemente ágil para saltar entre las técnicas de forma casi instantánea como el curso del encuentro se desarrolla.

El bloqueo

Este se compone de la construcción de un muro de 6-profundo de las piezas, o al menos tan profunda como la que usted puede manejar, a la barricada en las piezas del oponente que están en su 1-punto. Esta se considera la estrategia más adecuada en el inicio del partido. Usted puede construir el muro en cualquier lugar entre los once puntos y sus dos puntos y luego trasladarla en su tablero como el partido avanza.

El Blitz

Esto implica el bloqueo de la Junta de casa lo más rápido posible, manteniendo su rival en la barra. es decir, si su competidor lanza un 2 primeros y se mueve una pieza de su único punto a la de tres puntos y, a continuación, rollo de cinco años, que son capaces de jugar 6 / 1 Six / One Eight / tres 8 / 3. Su desafío está ahora en la calamidad grande-tiempo debido al hecho de que tienen 2 piezas en la barra y ha bloqueado la mitad de su junta interior!

El Backgame

Esta estrategia es donde usted tiene 2 o más piezas en el tablero de tu oponente. (Un ancla es una posición ocupada por al menos 2 de sus piezas.) Tiene que ser utilizado cuando se está muy por detrás, ya que mejora en gran medida sus posibilidades. Las mejores áreas para las anclas son más pequeños cerca de los puntos de su oponente y ya sea en puntos adyacentes o con un solo punto en el medio. El tiempo es integrante de un backgame eficaz: además, no hay razón para tener 2 puntos de anclaje de Niza, y una pared sólida en su tablero interno propio, si quienes tienen la obligación de romper este de inmediato, mientras que su oponente se está moviendo sus fichas de origen, ya que usted no tiene otras piezas adicionales a moverse! En esta situación, es más tolerable para tener fichas en la barra de modo que usted pueda conservar su posición hasta su opositor le da la oportunidad para golpear, lo que puede ser una buena idea para intentar y conseguir que su competidor de éxito en esta situación !

Backgammon – tre schemi di base
Nov 22nd, 2009 by Princess
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Sorprendentemente in termini generali, ci sono tre piani di gioco di base impiegati. Hai bisogno di essere sufficientemente agili per hop tra le tecniche di quasi istantaneamente, come il corso della partita si svolge.

Il blocco

Questo è composto di costruire un muro di 6 profonda di pezzi, o almeno così profondo come si può gestire, barricata in pezzi dell'avversario che si trovano sul vostro 1 punto. Questo sia ritenuto essere la strategia più adatta all'inizio della partita. È possibile costruire il muro ovunque tra il punto e undici i due punti e poi passare nel tuo consiglio di casa come la partita progredisce.

Il Blitz

Ciò comporta il blocco della pensione a casa il più velocemente che puoi mantenendo il tuo sfidante sul bancone. cioè, se il concorrente getta uno 2 primi e si muove un pezzo dal tuo punto di uno al tre punti e quindi si tira un cinque-cinque, sei in grado di riprodurre 6 / 1 sei / otto uno / tre 8 / 3. Il tuo sfidante è ora in grande calamità tempo a causa del fatto che hanno 2 pezzi sul bancone e si è bloccato metà della vostra tavola interna!

Il Backgame

Questa strategia è dove si hanno 2 o più pezzi in pensione il vostro avversario a casa. (L'ancoraggio è una posizione occupata da almeno 2 dei vostri pezzi.) Deve essere utilizzato quando si è molto indietro in quanto migliora notevolmente le sue possibilità. Le zone migliori per le ancore sono in prossimità dei punti più piccoli del tuo avversario e sia su punti adiacenti o con un unico punto in mezzo. Calendario è parte integrante di un backgame efficace: del resto, non c'è ragione per avere 2 punti di ancoraggio piacevole e una parete solida nella tua tavola interna se si sono poi tenuti a rompere questo subito, mentre il vostro avversario è in movimento le loro pedine a casa, visto che non hai altri pezzi aggiuntivi a muoversi! In questa situazione, è più tollerabile avere pedine sulla barra in modo che si possa mantenere la propria posizione fino vostro oppositore ti dà la possibilità di colpire, in modo che possa essere una buona idea per cercare e ottenere il vostro concorrente a colpire in questa situazione !

The Essential Facts of Backgammon Strategies – Part 1
Nov 13th, 2009 by Princess
[ English ]

The aim of a Backgammon game is to move your checkers around the Backgammon board and pull them off the game board quicker than your opposing player who works just as hard to attempt the same buthowever they move in the opposite direction. Succeeding in a game of Backgammon requires both tactics and good luck. Just how far you can shift your pieces is left to the numbers from rolling a pair of dice, and the way you shift your pieces are determined by your overall gambling tactics. Enthusiasts use different strategies in the differing parts of a game depending on your positions and opponent’s.

The Running Game Plan

The aim of the Running Game plan is to entice all your pieces into your inner board and pull them off as quickly as you could. This tactic concentrates on the pace of advancing your checkers with little or no efforts to hit or block your competitor’s pieces. The best scenario to employ this plan is when you believe you might be able to move your own chips quicker than your opponent does: when 1) you have less pieces on the game board; 2) all your chips have moved beyond your opponent’s pieces; or 3) the opposing player does not employ the hitting or blocking tactic.

The Blocking Game Strategy

The primary aim of the blocking tactic, by its name, is to stop your competitor’s pieces, temporarily, while not worrying about moving your chips rapidly. As soon as you’ve established the blockade for the opponent’s movement with a few checkers, you can move your other pieces swiftly from the board. You should also have an apparent plan when to withdraw and shift the chips that you utilized for the blockade. The game becomes intriguing when the competitor uses the same blocking technique.

Backgammon Gambling Pointers
Nov 12th, 2009 by Princess
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

Betting on backgammon can be exciting, particularly if you are aware of how to win by playing effectively. But occasionally a trick or two might help you even more and develop you into a more accomplished player.

One of the greatest schemes to succeed is to block your opponent in. It will prevent them from advancing their pieces away from your home board. This has to be done early in the game to hold your competitors 2 pieces in your home board. So you must shift your pieces to points seven, 5, and four as fast as possible and even two and three if possible. Keep your point of 6 with the 6 checkers where it is. This will ensure that your competitor can not will not be able to leave your home board and aid your chances of blocking them in to come away with a win.

By locking your competitor in, they’ll be looking for double 6’s once all other moves have been completed to get those two pieces away from your home board. If doubles are not rolled, your challenger will be compelled to shift 1 checker at a time, as long as they toss a six or greater, and leave 1 piece vulnerable behind. Of course in the process of moving your own pieces, be certain you do not leave 1 abandoned where your opponent can send you off to the bar to make your way through their home board.

When you are not sure what to do, hit. This can assist you in winning mainly because as soon as your competitor is hit, that piece is the piece they must move prior to doing anything else on the board. So if you hit them several times, they will have to get many pieces back on the board and get around your checkers to succeed. Make sure you don’t hit where it will make you vulnerable to being hit yourself. Except of course when will be beneficial to you, like early in the game when your opponent won’t have you blocked in.

Landing a hit when you have a block started can also be great because as soon as you get a couple of points barricaded, your opponent will have a difficult time moving their pieces away from your home board and winning. It is even possible to hit them numerous times and get your lock finished. That way you will be able to lock them from returning to the game board and even being offered a chance at crushing you.

These 2 hints aren’t the only strategy to succeed, but they’re excellent ways for amateurs to develop into more skillfull players. Once you conquer these, being victorious most of the time won’t seem like such a complex thing to do.

Backgammon – Three Basic Schemes
Nov 3rd, 2009 by Princess
[ English | Deutsch | Español | Français | Italiano ]

In astonishingly general terms, there are three basic game plans employed. You need to be agile enough to hop between techniques almost instantly as the course of the match unfolds.

The Blockade

This is composed of building a 6-deep wall of pieces, or at least as deep as you can manage, to barricade in the opponent’s pieces that are on your 1-point. This is judged to be the most suitable strategy at the start of the match. You can build the wall anyplace between your eleven-point and your two-point and then shift it into your home board as the match progresses.

The Blitz

This involves locking your home board as quick as as you can while keeping your challenger on the bar. i.e., if your competitor tosses an early 2 and moves one piece from your one-point to your three-point and you then roll a five-five, you are able to play 6/1 six/one eight/three 8/3. Your challenger is now in big-time calamity due to the fact that they have 2 pieces on the bar and you have locked half your inner board!

The Backgame

This strategy is where you have 2 or higher pieces in your opponent’s home board. (An anchor is a position occupied by at least 2 of your pieces.) It needs to be used when you are extremely behind as it greatly improves your chances. The better areas for anchors are near your opponent’s smaller points and either on adjacent points or with a single point in between. Timing is integral for an effectual backgame: besides, there’s no reason having 2 nice anchor spots and a solid wall in your own inner board if you are then required to break down this straight away, while your opponent is moving their checkers home, seeing that you don’t have other additional pieces to move! In this situation, it’s more tolerable to have checkers on the bar so that you might preserve your position up till your opposer gives you a chance to hit, so it may be a good idea to attempt and get your competitor to hit them in this situation!

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